Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Red Dress (A Christmas Love Story) "Part 2"

Mike’s hands fisted at his sides. He couldn’t even look at her when he answered. “Every man out there can’t stop staring at you in that dress, and it’s killing me.”

Carol smiled for the first time all night, but she still wasn’t ready to let him off the hook. “You seem to be able to resist looking at me pretty easily,” she said.

“It’s not that easy,” he said turning his hungry gaze at her. “It’s just if I look at you too long,” he continued as he stepped closer, “I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from doing this.”

In one swift motion, his arm encircled her waist as his other hand cupped the back of her neck, and he kissed her. His kiss was passionate and relentless. It took her breath away. After she was thoroughly kissed, he pulled his lips away from hers and stared into her eyes. He didn’t release her from his embrace though.
She knew he was waiting to hear what she had to say. For a moment, she was speechless, but then she smiled, and said, “I think this just became my favorite dress.”

“I think it’s time to take you home and take it off,” he said as he led her to his car. “But, don’t worry, you can wear it when we go out on New Year’s Eve.”

Carol smiled as they walked to the car. She’d always been on Santa’s nice list, but this year, thanks to the dress, she had a shot at being naughty.

The Red Dress (A Christmas Love Story) "Part 1"

When Carol buys the perfect red dress for the company Christmas party, it goes more wrong than right–at first. Find out what happens when holiday magic starts to work its charm in this short Christmas love story.
* * *
“Did you ever think it’s because I’m in love with you?” Mike yelled.
Carol’s train of thought derailed. All of his complaints about her co-worker asking her out to lunch took on a new light. His insistence that she had to ride home with him morphed from a chauvinistic implication that she wasn’t savvy enough to take the bus at night into something different–something almost chivalrous. And then there was this fight. No, there was no excuse for the way he made her feel back at the party.

“You hate the way I’m dressed and made me feel horrible at our company Christmas party, because you’re allegedly are in love with me?” she spat back.
“I’m sorry about making you feel terrible in there. I wanted tonight to go so much better. It’s just you in that dress…” his voice trailed off.

“What!” She said as she looked down at her dress. She thought the dress was perfect when she saw it in the store. It was the right combination of classy Christmas outfit with a little sexy thrown in, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe she just looked trashy or ridiculous. “What about my dress, which by the way I saved for two whole months to buy?” Her voice was still angry, but now it was tinged with sadness.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Diana’s First Kiss ( Part 2)

When they reached the front door of her house, she turned and looked up at him. She fought the urge to scream “kiss me” and instead she thanked him for another lovely date.
“So maybe we could go out again next weekend?” he asked. He looked at her hopefully, and then turned away and try to play it cool.

She decided to not be cool and let him know that she definitely wanted another date. “I was hoping you would ask me out again. Of course I’ll go,” she said.
Her response seemed to have the effect on his confidence she wanted, because he smiled broadly and stepped closer to her.

“So maybe you’d go out with me the week after that, too?” he asked.
“Maybe even the week after that,” she said as she tilted her head up and leaned just a tad closer to him. She hoped he picked up her not-too-subtle hint.

He put one hand on her shoulder, and the other around her waist and pulled her close. Diana’s heart started pounding. His arms were stronger than she’d imagined, and he seemed entirely less shy. He’d changed from cute to practically movie star sexy. She had to stop herself from squealing with delight. It was happening. It had happened to nearly all of her friends, but it was finally happening to her.
He lowered his mouth to hers, and she closed her eyes. Then, she felt his soft, sweet lips against hers. He didn’t scare her by being too aggressive, but she definitely felt like they both wanted to try it again and again. It was perfect.
He pulled away, and looked into her eyes. He was smiling.

“So you’re my girlfriend now, right?” he said.
“Right,” she answered. He smile broadened even more.
“See you at school tomorrow, then,” he said as he stumbled away.
“Okay,” she said instantly wishing she’d thought of something cooler to say, but then she realized he didn’t mind.

He was practically skipping back to his car. She turned to let herself into her house, and then looked back and saw him wave good bye. She waved at him, closed the door, and then ran upstairs to call her best friend.

Diana’s First Kiss ( Part 1)

Diana is going out on her third date with Josh. She’s hoping tonight will be the night–the night of her first kiss. How can she let Josh know to kiss her? If he does, will it be what she’d hoped? Read this cute love story and find out.
This is the second “First Kiss” story. This is the “sweet” one. The other is a sexy first kiss between co-workers. You can read that one here.

Diana’s First Kiss

Diana walked to her front door hoping that no one in her family would come outside and wait for her on the porch. She let her shoulder and right arm brush up against Josh and hoped he would take the hint. It worked. He took her hand in his. He only ventured a quick, nervous glance in her direction afterward to see if it was okay, but she was ready. She made sure to flash him a beaming smile and squeeze his hand to let her know that she was happy with the turn of events. He needed to make the first move, but she wanted be sure he had as many indicators as possible that she was open to it. This was her third date with Josh, and she wanted this kiss to happen like yesterday, but every time it came close he’d shied away.
Please. Please. Please kiss me tonight. to be 2