Thursday, October 16, 2014

The beautifully broken heart

His absence stabbed her more than she she thought it would. She felt a sharp pain in her chest when she learnt he didn’t come. She tried not to care but her mind kept on circling around his thoughts. Even after so much betrayal and so much pain, no matter how hard she tried her heart always managed to escape into the wild, with the hope of something that her mind always failed to comprehend.

She walked over the trodden leaves which were adorned by yesterday’s raindrops. The cold breeze made her shiver now and then but inside she had a strange warmth, the warmth of hope. Still there was a flickering flame of faith which kept her moving.
He was the nicest guy she ever knew. He had taught her about life more than anybody else.
She didn’t know him for a long time, neither they used to talk everyday but whenever they did she felt full.

She recalled how he used to stole glances of her. Those fleeting moments were all she pined for,those long held gazes and the momentary glances.
There used to be a spark between them, used to be a likeness but it suddenly vanished. She keeps on traveling back in time, trying to figure out the exact point where she lost him but she fails.
All the time she thought that he felt the same way, but he never did. She always tried to reach out, he never did. She had hit the ground hard, he didn’t even jump off the cliff. She was way too naive to see it.

Something always pulls her back, compelling her to hold on although it hurts like hell.
How can she heal if she doesn’t let go?
She wants to revive again but part of her loves the torment. She feels like she is in the middle of an ocean and part of her desperately wants to find the shore while the other just wants to drown in the deep waters, lost and forgotten.
Her feelings didn’t matter for him but she was glad that she fell for such a wonderful person.

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