Thursday, October 16, 2014

The beautifully broken heart

His absence stabbed her more than she she thought it would. She felt a sharp pain in her chest when she learnt he didn’t come. She tried not to care but her mind kept on circling around his thoughts. Even after so much betrayal and so much pain, no matter how hard she tried her heart always managed to escape into the wild, with the hope of something that her mind always failed to comprehend.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Taylor Swift - Love Story

I just don't Know

I met her in second grade. She was cute and funny and nice and everything that a best friend could be. By the way if you're wondering, no I'm not a guy writing about a girl, I'm and girl writing about her best friend. We were in the same class and our teachers put us together for a project. And that's pretty much how we met. I have so many good memories with her. She was amazing. we grew older, and soon started middle school. She was becoming beautiful, and sometimes I was so jealous. She always got all the guys, and was probably the most perfect, most luckiest girl.

Love Story

And when you think about it, most love stories start that way. Every moment leading up to the one in which you meet your future husband or wife somehow shapes you and prepares you for that person you were fated for. Any previous heartbreaks or dark days or lonely nights can be crucially important in the grand scheme of things—sometimes we need to know what something feels like when it’s wrong before we can ever really know it when another thing is RIGHT.

The beautifully broken heart

His absence stabbed her more than she she thought it would. She felt a sharp pain in her chest when she learnt he didn’t come. She tried not to care but her mind kept on circling around his thoughts. Even after so much betrayal and so much pain, no matter how hard she tried her heart always managed to escape into the wild, with the hope of something that her mind always failed to comprehend.

Monday, October 13, 2014

10 Beautiful True Tiny Short Love Stories to Make You Smile - Based on Facts

Sometimes all we need is a little something warm to cheer our hearts and get us through our day. Little tales of love between family and romantic partners can sometimes be the difference between a smile or frown. Below is a compilation of 10 short love stories that are sure to evoke the emotional warmth of love within you. Reading these love stories touched my heart, and I am certain that they will do the same for you!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Stranger Who Changed My Life

In this true short love story, a party girl meets her match as she passes through Montana with a traveling show.

In 1983, I was traveling with a tiny theater company doing vaudeville-type shows in 
community centers and bars—anywhere we could earn $25 each plus enough gas money to get to the next small town in our ramshackle yellow bus.

How to write love letter

Sample 1

I am so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams. Your love has made me love my life. Everyday seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart. Thank you for sharing your love with me. It is a truly wonderful gift.
I will love you always ……………… (name)

Sample 2


A letter I have sent: If I ever give this to you, please promise you won’t laugh. Promise me that. I can’t live with out you in my life. You are in my life, whether you know it or not. Images of you are always in mind. After you have left, your voice rings sweetly in my ears until I hear it again spoken from your own lips. Please Promise that I will not have to imagine you being near.

Promise me that. Call it immature love; call it a crush; call it longing; call it infatuation; call it whatever you please. In my mind, I love you. When I love, I love forever. Please tell me that you love me, too. Please promise me forever. Please promise me that. Promise me you will always mine.

Only yours……….

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The lovelife of an outsider

"I wouldn't call myself an outsider, because I have some friends. But I would call us outsiders -me and my friends- because that's what we are"

14-year old Amy is an airheaded, and pretty lonely girl. She has good grades and a pretty boring life. Her mom forces her to start swimming -in a swimmingclub-every week.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

The true love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most memorable, intriguing and moving of all times. The story of these two historical characters had later been dramatized by William Shakespeare and is still staged all over the world.

Romeo and Juliet

This is probably the most famous lovers ever. This couple has become a synonym for love itself. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare.

Selena Gomez - Love You Like A Love Song

"No one compares, you stand alone / To every record I own / Music to my heart, that's what you are / A song that goes on and on..." Now we're getting more modern with our second set of songs, and Selena Gomez gets things off to a groovy start. We totally dig the songwriting in this hit track about comparing your love to somebody to your love of music — it's unique and adorable! Read more: The Best Love Songs EVER, Chosen By You | MetroLyrics

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dear Agony Let Me Go!

To Everyone I Knew,

It hurts to be the wise one who gives useful advice to others yet the one who cannot benefit from that advice. I am beaten down by those questions which echo in my head, exploding with every heart beat. What do i do now?

I hide away my suicidal thoughts, so no one knows when to expect me gone, dead. I won't tell anyone. If I die, I'll leave alone in silence. It would be better off that way. He wouldn't care though, so I might aswell ignore him back, when he holds my dead hand, I won't reply.

The Suicide Note

I am not holding anyone responsible for what I have done, nor am I blaming anyone who may happen to be reading this. Furthermore, I want to avoid any feeling of guilt or upset. There was no way you could have saved me, nor was there a way you could have possibly known; My mind has been set and I was determined to achieve this end result. I disguised my plans quite well, I just needed to find the right time and the right way, and now that you are reading this, it seems that I have found it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Perfect Storm

At this point, we have now made it to the highest ranked on this list.

The Perfect Storm is about a group of fishermen from Gloucester, who leaves everything behind and is chasing their road to happiness and wealth and the ocean. In October 1991, the ship “Andrea Gail”, with fishermen, sets sail. After some time, they get their weather report which tells them that there is a storm coming their way, which can cause a perfect storm.

Boys Don’t Cry

“Boys don’t cry” (1999) is about a based on the true story of the life of Brandon Teena. The movie tells us the story about a woman, who chooses to live her life as a man. Throughout her life, she suffers from her choice because of the consequences of her actions. Brandon moves away from Nebraska and into a new community. In her new town, the other people are not seeing person of transgender as human beings. Through the movie, Brandon ends up with a reputation of being a ladies’ man. Later in the story, Brandon ends up in prison. In prison, he develops to be a very, angry young man whose anger turns into actions after some time.


Titanic (1997) is probably the most well-known movie on this top 5. The movie itself takes place on the first trip of the ship “Titanic”.

The movie starts in 1996, where a team of divers tries to find the sunken ship. They are searching for a previous diamond. The divers find the ship, but they do not find the diamond that they were looking for in the first place.

We hear the story about Rose Dewitt Bukater. She was only 17 years old when Titanic sat sails from Southampton in England. Titanic was supposed to travel to New York. She is traveling along with her mother and her fiancé. At the first night at the ship, Rose tries to commit suicide by jumping in the water. It does not work out because she is stopped by a man named Jack.
Jack and Rose falls in love with each other, which causes a lot of problems due to the fact that Rose has already promised to marry someone else. Jack and Rose come from different parts of society and this also causes them a lot of problems.

one day youre going to wake up and realize that you should have tried

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Life or Death

Once there was this boy and girl who loved each other. They wanted to get married and have kids, the whole nine yards but the boy had a heart condition which caused him to go into a coma. The boy had everything in life a great family, great friends and was loved the girl didn’t have a family and no friends the only person she loved was him. One day while she was in the waiting room she overheard his mother and father talking to the doctor.