Thursday, September 18, 2014

Because I love you.

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100pm on a motorcycle…
Girl: slow down we’re going too fast…I’m scared!...
Boy: come on don’t worry… I know what I’m doing…you’re having fun right?
Girl: I LOVE YOU! Now please stop!
Boy: give me a hug
Girl hugs him...
Boy: can you help me out here? Take my helmet off me and put it on u? its bugging me..
In the paper the next day… a motorcycle has crashed in 2 a building due 2 break failure 2 people found but 1 survived…halfway down the road the boy release that his breaks broke…but he didn’t want 2 let the girl know…instead he had her say she loved him n felt her hug 1 last time…then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant she would die.

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